MDBF Seminerleri – Dr. Alperen Acemoğlu
Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültemizin düzenlediği seminer serisinin yeni konuğu, Dr. Alperen Acemoğlu (Kadir Has Üniversitesi) olacak.
Dr. Acemoğlu, 14 Nisan Cuma saat 14:00’te Zoom üzerinden “Medical Robotics” başlıklı bir sunum yapacak. Etkinlik ilgilenen herkesin katılımına açıktır ve İngilizcedir.
Zoom Linki: https://bit.ly/3msVLkJ
Özet: Recently, medical robots have been crucial tools in medicine in order to improve the quality of the medical interventions. Various capabilities that come with the sensing technologies and robotic control greatly increase the surgical precision. Thus, new surgical and medical robots are being developed in order to enhance the surgical precision in all interventions. The trend that started with Da Vinci (Intuitive Surgical), continues with Versius from CMR Surgical, and Medtronic Hugo RAS system improving the state of the art. In this talk, we will discuss different robotic systems that are developed for laser based microsurgery. Additionally, teleoperation has become a crucial concept with the recent COVID19 crisis. Being able to perform remote operation brings many advantages such as decreasing the travel costs, providing health care to the underserved regions. Moreover, it separates the surgeon and patient that protects both of them in case of a contagious disease. Lastly, we will focus on robotic systems for autonomous intravenous access.
Konuşmacı Hakkında: Alperen Acemoglu received his B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, in 2012 and M.Sc. degree in Mechatronics Engineering from Sabanci University, Turkey, in 2014. During his master’s studies, he worked on bio-inspired microswimmers which are aimed to be used in biomedical applications such as targeted drug delivery and opening clogged arteries. As a result of these studies in Sabanci University, he received the “Dr. Gürsel Sönmez Research Award” in 2014. He received his Ph.D. degree in Bioengineering and Robotics from Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) and Università Degli Studi di Genova, Italy, in 2018. During his Ph.D. studies, he worked on developing a compact magnetic laser scanner to enable the high-speed laser scanning and non-contact laser tissue ablations in hard-to-reach surgical sites. During the post-doc studies at IIT, he worked on remote 5G telesurgery experiments in collaboration with local hospitals and Vodafone, Milan. Afterwards, his research focused on developing a robotic system for autonomous intravenous catheterization. He is currently working on developing a novel non-invasive glaucoma treatment platform. His research interests include medical robotics, wearable devices, non invasive treatment and diagnostic tools, 5G telesurgery, laser microsurgery, magnetically-actuated micromanipulators, and microswimmers.